Parents Association

The Concerned Families of Hazelwood is an independent group that operates separately from New Vista and the facility.

It was organized in 1977 as a volunteer-based advocacy organization, whose members are parents and relatives of the people residing at the Hazelwood. Many of these residents are among the most fragile of Kentucky’s citizens and are unable to advocate for themselves. Concerned Families of Hazelwood believes individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) should be provided with the broadest range of living options possible, appropriate to their needs and capabilities, including residing in Intermediate Care Facilities like Hazelwood. All people with IDD have a right to the protection of their health, safety, and welfare and to live without fear of abuse and neglect. Concerned Families of Hazelwood also believes the individual and their parents, family or guardian should play a primary role in determination of their life plans and residential selections.

The Concerned Families of Hazelwood board of directors works with other Kentucky advocates, legislators, administrators, and organizations interested in supporting the well-being of individuals with IDD.

If you are interested in more information call Hazelwood at 502.361.2301. The Associate Facility Director or the Facility Director can answer questions.