Specialty Medical Center



1800 Old Bluegrass Avenue
Louisville, Kentucky 40215

Phone: 502.375.6643
Fax: 502.375.6632

Clinic hours are Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hazelwood encourages visits from family and friends and has an open-door policy. Each resident’s guardian provides a list of individuals who have permission to visit. Approved visitors are welcome at any time during the day or night and as often as they wish.

You will be notified immediately following a medical assessment by the doctor or nurse.

Hazelwood has doctors, nurses and a dentist on site at the Specialty Clinic for exams and treatment. If a resident needs to be seen by a specialist, appointments will be coordinated and scheduled. Guardians are notified prior to all appointments for their consent.

The doctor, registered dietitian and speech therapist work together to determine the most appropriate diet following nutritional assessment and meal observation completed by the therapy team within 24 hours upon admission to Hazelwood. Menus are developed by a Registered Dietitian and are based on US Dietary Guidelines as well as current research on nutritional interventions associated with specific medical conditions. These include but are not limited to medical needs such as diabetes, heart disease, renal, and Phenylketonuria (PKU). Individuals receive at least three meals daily and provided in between meal snacks. Meals are prepared in the kitchen onsite and under the direction of a food service manager.  Accommodations are made for individual’s requests and preferences whenever possible.

Yes. Concerned Families, an independent group that operates separately from New Vista and the facility, meets monthly as a group and quarterly with facility management. If you are interested in joining call 502.361.2301.

Upon employment at Hazelwood, all staff receive training which meets all state and federal regulatory requirements. This training is on-going and as needed to enhance services. Additionally, all staff who work directly with the clients receive training based specifically on the needs of each client with whom they work. The training is individualized for each client based on assessments which are completed by professional clinical staff.

Hazelwood considers all new admissions as short term and strives to provide the services needed in order for clients to live their best life in the least restrictive setting. We work to transfer residents to a community setting, typically within a six to 12-month period. 

A person must first be classified as eligible for Intermediate Care Facility services. This process begins at the local community mental health center (CMHC). Click here to find a list of CMHCs in Kentucky. The CMHC will assist by determining eligibility for the program and referring the individual to the appropriate state agency. If it is determined that the individual is eligible for services, the information is referred to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (DBHDID), Community Supports Branch Manager, 100 Fair Oaks Lane, Frankfort, KY 40621 502.564.7702. 

DBHDID reviews the information presented and begins the process of determining the least restrictive environment in which the individual’s needs can be met. This is done by:  reviewing information provided to by various sources such as the Community Mental Health Center, current providers and guardian; sending a team of professionals to meet with the individual and his/her guardian to determine service needs; and consulting members of the department in Frankfort to secure needed services that are available to the person in the community.  DBHDID will use all of this information to determine if Hazelwood, another state center or another program could best provide services.

If Hazelwood is being considered, our pre-admission screening team will complete an on-site assessment if we have not already done so with the individual, his/her guardian and/or current community placement providers. Our team will then make recommendations to the Facility Director at Hazelwood regarding appropriateness of placement.

Finally, a court procedure is required prior to admission in accordance with KRS 202B. A hearing must be held prior to admission to assure Hazelwood is the least restrictive environment in which services can be provided. 

There must be an agreement between the DBHDID, the Facility Director at Hazelwood, and the court before an admission can be finalized.