At Hazelwood, residents with intellectual and developmental disability find a place to call home in Louisville, Kentucky. Residents receive care around the clock with a team of professionals dedicated to helping individuals live their best life.
Every day staff ensure the services coordinated by each resident’s interdisciplinary team are carried out. Residential staff provide direct care for individuals from the moment they wake up until they go to sleep. Residents work with staff to learn essential skills and develop interests to enrich their lives. Residents learn a variety of skills from self-care such as dressing and grooming to using money, planning trips and maintaining communication with friends and family. Our dedicated staff work with clients all hours of the day and night to ensure their needs are met.
Residents at Hazelwood receive 24-hour nursing and medical care. At Hazelwood, our Specialty Medical Clinic is on-site and provides a full continuum of care by doctors and nurses who are specialists in their fields with decades of experience working with IDD clients and their families.
Residents also participate in numerous activities including; Special Olympics, shopping around town, going out to eat, going to the movies and ballgames and visiting with family and friends.