Specialty Medical Center



1800 Old Bluegrass Avenue
Louisville, Kentucky 40215

Phone: 502.375.6643
Fax: 502.375.6632

Clinic hours are Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m.

Supported Employment

Hazelwood has successfully obtained employment placement for residents at The Kentucky Center, The Louisville Zoo, and many other locations in the community.

We are constantly searching for employment opportunities for our residents to provide them with enrichment activity that promotes self-esteem and skill-building. We provide job coaching to prepare residents for employment and ensure a positive and rewarding work experience for both employer and employee. Each placement is routinely monitored and we strive to troubleshoot potential issues and work with residents to successfully fulfill work responsibilities.

If you are interested to learn how your workplace can benefit by providing an opportunity to a resident at Hazelwood, we would love to hear from you, please call us at 502.361.2301.